
Our workplace predictions for 2024

Times they are a-changing…and at breakneck pace. And nowhere is seeing more rapid progression than the workplace. The 2020/1 Covid pandemic and the associated work from home regime has had a dramatic and enduring impact on the way businesses operate - and that is still being felt today. There is more demand for flexible working especially from employees, who have, through necessity, demonstrated what can be achieved from working remotely. The meteoric rise of AI will also have a significant impact on...


What is ergonomics in the workplace?

Are you sitting comfortably? Well, you should be if you are to have a happy and productive work life. We spend about a third of our lives at work so it’s absolutely vital that the way we work is not detrimental to our health…and that is where ergonomics comes in. But what is ergonomics and why is it so important? Put simply, ergonomics is the science of creating a workplace which ensures staff can work safely, efficiently and in comfort which will,...


Are standing desks good for you?

As millions of office workers sit crouched over their keyboards daily, more and more are asking: are standing desks good for you? Standing desks can be adjusted either manually or electrically to allow staff to alternate between standing and sitting as they work. And the health benefits of this new way of working are now becoming increasingly recognised. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time is known to have a negative impact on health conditions, ranging from back pain...


How high should a desk be?

Many of us spend hours of our working day sitting at our desks… but how high should a desk be? Productivity, energy levels and even the quality of work can be impacted by the height of your desk so it is important to get it right. During lockdown, too many people sat crouched over their laptops which have had significant long-term effects on their posture. Achieving proper desk height can prevent future problems with back pain and posture and the height of your...


Office storage ideas for any space

For the majority of office workers, the last few years have seen a more adaptive and flexible approach to their working environment, which has meant the spaces in which we work have become far more varied. Now, even within a working week, it is perfectly possible to find yourself hotdesking in a large open plan office space, settling in to your own personal office space or perching on the dining table of your own home – or...


Best office chair for back pain

Back pain is something that approximately 80% of adults can expect to experience during their lifetime. The severity of the pain can range from acute, short-term pain that lasts for a matter of days through to more severe chronic back pain which may last indefinitely. As well as being a significant contributor within the UK to the number of workdays lost to sickness and one of the most costly uses of NHS resources, back pain and related conditions are the most...


What is the best height for an office desk?

For many of us, the working day will involve at least some time using a computer. More often than not, this will be at a desk in an office environment, using the traditional set up of a keyboard and mouse laid out in front of a monitor. The longer you spend sitting at a desk in this way, the greater the risk to you that you may suffer back pain resulting from putting your muscles and joints under strain over prolonged...